Arlene Culpepper

Archive for April, 2010|Monthly archive page

‘The World’s Most Wanted’ – A Book Review

In Uncategorized on April 2, 2010 at 3:35 am

This morning while we were waiting for Mark to undergo a heart cath procedure, one of the nurses mentioned that she has been looking for a good book to read.  Perhaps you too have been looking for a good book to read?  Do you enjoy chronicles of intrigue or stories of deception and double crossing by members of the government deception that leads to death?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, I have the book for you.  It is a good read that could be aptly titled, “The World’s Most Wanted”.  It is no regular, run of the mill tale.  It is one where our hero is born into the most meager of surroundings.  His birth had been predicted by a gentleman named Isaiah, and there is evidence that his entrance into this world had long been planned.  Despite the fact that his mother practically gave birth to him in a barn, he received gifts fit for a king.

The book I am referring to is the ‘Holy Bible’ – our instructions for living.  Our main character, of course, is Jesus.  Pick it up and read passages from it, even if you have read it a thousand times before.  Good Friday is upon us and that is the day that we should all observe as it was the beginning of our being saved.  We, as a people, are always looking for something to “save” us when in reality, it is available at no charge, 24 hours a day.  We just need to read the Bible and understand what we read.  It is chock full of directions for our lives, down to the way we are supposed to eat and how we are supposed to treat each other.

If you do not already have a copy, pick up one of the New International Version, also known as the “NIV” – or find one that speaks to you.  I encourage you to join a Bible study class.  Learn what you can now, because you cannot ask for a better set of instructions for your life and it is important to understand what you read.  Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an excellent study that has classes all over the world.  Do what you can now, before it is too late.  And the next time you are having a bad day, remember that it c0uld be much, much worse.